Performance Optimization

How to minimize the potential impact of Seeker operation on application performance.

Seeker offers a rich collection of features that you can customize to get the best testing results. However, some of these features potentially have an impact on application performance, so you might want to fine-tune their configuration to best suit your needs.

Feature/Impact Scope Information
You can configure the levels of event logging for the purposes of diagnostics and troubleshooting. We don't recommend using the TRACE or DEBUG logging level for a long time, because this might impact the performance of Seeker server and tested applications, as well as the size of diagnostic dumps. System Configure Logging Levels
By default, Agents capture data flow stack traces, which may cause a runtime performance overhead for your application. You can control this overhead by disabling this feature. Project Configure Stack Trace Capturing
By default, Agents monitor all requests, including multiple identical requests with different parameters. You can boost an application's performance by enabling the sampling mode, where only the first request is captured, and subsequent identical requests are ignored. Project Configure Sampling
Activity Monitoring captures such application activities as HTTP requests, SQL queries, and writing to files. If the application's performance degrades due to monitoring, use it in the default sampling mode, which limits the activity types, or disable this feature altogether. Project Configure Activity Monitoring

In general, the activity of Agents adds some performance overhead, so don't measure your application's performance when a Seeker Agent is running.