Out-of-the-box Vulnerability Statuses

Seeker supplies a collection of out-of-the-box statuses that can be assigned to vulnerabilities at their various lifecycle stages.

Each status means a certain behavior regarding a vulnerability. Admimistrators can also customize these behaviors with additional options.

Status Description
Archived Indicates that the vulnerability should be closed and archived.
Baseline Indicates that the vulnerability belongs to a certain baseline.
Detected Initial status that is automatically assigned upon detection.
False positive Indicates that the detection is not regarded as a vulnerability, and should not be detected anymore.
Fixed Assign this status after fixing the code. If afterwards the vulnerability is detected again, its status will automatically change to Detected.
Intentional Indicates that the detected behavior is intentional, is not regarded as a vulnerability, and should not be detected anymore.
Reviewed Indicates that the vulnerability has been reviewed.
Won't fix (previously known as Ignored) Indicates that the vulnerability doesn't need to be fixed, and should not be detected anymore.
Note: You don't have to use all the available statuses, just those that are relevant for your workflows.