Uninstall Seeker
How to uninstall the Seeker server and preserve its data.
Preserve Seeker Data
The Seeker data includes all the Seeker configurations, projects, environment variables, and database. The handling of Seeker data during uninstall differs between the operating systems:
- The Windows installer enables you to preserve the Seeker data before uninstalling Seeker.
- On Linux/MacOS, all data from the installation folder will be deleted.
If you want to preserve all the Seeker data from the current installation for later use, you can back it up and later restore it on the same or another machine. For more information, see Cold Backup and Restore.
Uninstall on Windows
In the Windows Start menu, click
.You will be prompted to delete or keep your Seeker data:
Would you like to completely reset your existing Seeker data, including settings and reported vulnerabilities?
Note that your license will be kept.
Uninstall Seeker on Linux/Mac OS
In the CLI, run the commands to stop Seeker and delete all
its data:
~/seeker/install/sk_ctl stop
rm -rf ~/seeker
You can also run the installer in the interactive mode with the Uninstall option.