Python Agent: Supported Technologies

Technology specification for the Python Agent.

Programming languages
  • Python 3.7 and higher.
Operating systems
  • Linux: any distribution or version on x64 or ARM with a glibc or musl implementation of libc that can run a supported Python version.
  • MacOS: any version on x64 or ARM that can run a supported Python version.
  • Windows: any version that can run a supported Python version.
Runtime frameworks
  • Django 2.0 and higher, including Django REST framework
  • Flask 0.8 and higher
  • FastAPI
Application types
  • Ajax
  • JSON
  • Microservices
  • Mobile (over HTTP/S)
  • REST/Web APIs
  • Single-page applications
  • Web (incl. HTML5)
Cloud platforms
  • AWS Lambda
  • MySQL (using mysqlclient)
  • PostgreSQL (using psycopg2)
  • Pyodbc Microsoft SQL Server driver
  • Snowflake data warehouse
  • SQLite (using sqlite3, sqlite3.dbapi2, or pysqlite2.dbapi2)
  • Any database accessed via SQLAlchemy framework