Deploy Java Agent Using Dockerfile
An example illustrating how to deploy on Kubernetes a sample application with the Java Agent using a Dockerfile.
Create a Dockerfile for the sample Webgoat application:
Dockerfile FROM openjdk:8-alpine # Install the required basic tools RUN apk add unzip curl # Download the Webgoat application RUN curl -L -o /tmp/webgoat.jar # Copy the container run script COPY / EXPOSE 8080 ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", ""]
Create a container script including the Java Agent
deployment: #!/bin/sh # Configure basic Java options for your application JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m" # Deploy the Seeker Java Agent if [ ! -z "${SEEKER_SERVER_URL}" ]; then # Download the Agent package curl -k -o /tmp/ "${SEEKER_SERVER_URL}/rest/api/latest/installers/agents/binaries/JAVA" # Unzip the Agent package unzip -d /tmp/seeker /tmp/ # Append the Seeker options to the JVM options JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:/tmp/seeker/seeker-agent.jar ${JAVA_OPTS}" fi # Run Webgoat java ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar /tmp/webgoat.jar
Build the image:
docker build -t webgoat .
Run the image in your Kubernetes cluster:
# Publish the image to a Docker registry docker push webgoat # Schedule the service to launch in your Kubernetes cluster kubectl create deployment --image webgoat webgoat8-app
To run the application with the Agent, deploy it using the
environment variable.Additionally, you can pass configuration parameters, for example,
:kubectl create deployment --image webgoat webgoat8-app --env=SEEKER_SERVER_URL=https://seeker-server:8443 --env=SEEKER_PROJECT_KEY=webgoat