.NET Agent Settings for Windows Services

Configure the .NET Agent settings that are specific for applications running as Windows services.

Enable the Agent to monitor Windows services

By default, the Agent is not enabled for any Windows services. Enable it explicitly for each service by adding a service element under services to the configuration file:

   <service name="MyServiceName"/>

Map Windows services to Seeker projects

  • If you have multiple Windows services to monitor, you might want to map each service to a specific Seeker project by setting the project attribute in the configuration file to the relevant project’s key, as in the following example:

       <service name="MyService" project="project1_key"/>
    Attention: If the SEEKER_PROJECT_KEY environment variable is defined, it takes priority, and this configuration is ignored.
  • You can instruct an Agent to use a certain project as default for all services that are not mapped to any specific projects, and report detected vulnerabilities to that project. The following example defines my_project_key as the default project for all services.

      <services project="my_project_key">
           <service name="MyService1"/>
           <service name="MyService2"/>
  • You can map projects to Windows services.

    The example below creates the following project mappings:
    • Defines project_def_key as the default project for all Windows services.
    • Maps project_key to the WindowsService1 service.

    As a result, the Agent will use project_def_key for all services but WindowsService1.

      <services project="project_def_key">
        <service name="WindowsService1" project="project_key"/>
        <service name="WindowsService2"/>

Identify testing environments where Agents are running

To help identifying the testing environments in which vulnerabilities are detected by an Agent, you can assign custom tags to an Agent by the following:

   <service name="MyService" customTags="dev,myservice"/>

Configure start and stop timeouts for applications running as Windows services

When the Seeker .NET Agents service starts, it restarts applications running as Windows services. The serviceStartTimeout and serviceStopTimeout parameters define the start and stop timeouts that Seeker waits till applications are restarted. Their respective default values are 30 and 30 seconds.

You can adjust these values as follows:
 <services serviceStartTimeout="60" serviceStopTimeout="60">
      <service name="MyService"/>