Hot Backup and Restore

Seeker can be configured to perform scheduled hot backup of Seeker detection and configuration data. Additionally, you can perform such backup on demand at any time, and then restore data from it using the CLI.

Hot backup and restore are performed while the system is up and running.


The source and target machines must have the same operating system and bitness.

Back Up the Data

You can perform hot backup using the UI. For instructions, see Configure Automatic Hot Backup.

Another option is to run the following command in the CLI:


  • COMMAND: SeekerService for Windows, sk_ctl for Linux/MacOS.
  • DATABASE_NAME: default is inline.
  • DATABASE_USERNAME: default is seeker.
  • BACKUP_DIR_PATH: full path to the backup file location.
  • BACKUP_NAME: backup file name without extension.
  • BACKUP_FORMAT: zip for Windows, tar.gz for Linux/MacOS.
  • DRY_RUN: false to include both the database schema and data (default), true to include the database schema only.

For example:

  • Windows: SeekerService backup inline seeker C:\Seeker\data\backups backup_2019-09-10 zip false
  • Linux/MacOS: sk_ctl backup inline seeker /Users/myuser/seeker/data/backups backup_2019-09-10 tar.gz false

Restore the Data

Run the following command in the CLI:

COMMAND restore DATABASE_NAME DB_USERNAME BACKUP_FILE_PATH, where BACKUP_FILE_PATH is the full path of the backup file to restore from.


Before restoring the data, this command will automatically stop the Seeker server, and restart it afterwards.

For example:

  • Windows: SeekerService restore inline seeker C:\Seeker\data\backups\
  • Linux/MacOS: sk_ctl restore inline seeker /Users/myuser/seeker/data/backups/backup_2019-09-10.tar.gz