Install Using CLI: Windows

Optionally perform a silent installation of Seeker on Windows using the CLI (Command Line Interface).

Running the Silent Installer in Synchronous Mode

Start the Windows Command Prompt, and run the downloaded SeekerSetup.exe file in synchronous mode. Use the start /b /wait flags before the SeekerSetup.exe command, for example: start /b /wait SeekerSetup.exe /S /install_type=1 /install_path="c:\Seeker" /seeker_http_port=8080 /seeker_https_port=8443.

The installer will write a number of output messages ending with the following:

Seeker Installer: Seeker silent installation finished successfully.

Command Arguments

The command arguments are in key=value format. If a value, such as an install path, contains spaces, it must be escaped with quotes. The following table lists the supported arguments.

Command Description Example
/? Print Seeker silent installer usage/help to stdout. /?
/S Set the installer to run in silent mode. /S
/install_type 1-install, 2-upgrade, 3-uninstall. /install_type=1
/install_path Full path to Seeker installation. /installpath="c:\Seeker"
/seeker_http_port Set the HTTP port for the Seeker Web UI. /seeker_http_port=8080
/seeker_https_port Set the HTTPS port for the Seeker Web UI. /seeker_https_port=8443
/redirect_http_to_https Enable/disable HTTP to HTTPS redirection in the Seeker Server. /redirect_http_to_https=true
/remove_def Remove Seeker data including settings and vulnerabilities on uninstall. By default this flag is not set. When the user provides this flag with install_type=3, the %SEEKER_HOME_DIR% directory will be removed. /remove_def
/output_file Write installer silent messages to the specified file. When not provided, the output is written to <installpath>\SeekerInstaller.log. /output_file="c:\out.txt"