Install Using Wizard: Windows

How to install Seeker on Windows using the installation wizard.

  1. Run the downloaded SeekerSetup.exe file to start the installation wizard.
  2. For a new installation, choose the installation type: Trial/Evaluation or Deployment/Production, and follow the instructions of the wizard.
    Note: Both installation types provide the same functionality, they only differ by the license agreement.
  3. Review and accept the License Agreement.
  4. Optionally, change the default port HTTP and HTTPS numbers for the Seeker Web UI. You can also change them later in the Settings.
  5. Choose the database:
    • Seeker-managed database: Default. Seeker's own fully managed PostgreSQL instance.
    • User-managed database: A PostgreSQL 10.10 instance fully managed by the user. If you chose this option, enter the database connection properties below.

    If you want Seeker to use your own fully-managed PostgreSQL database instance, make sure to comply with PostgreSQL Database Requirements.

  6. Choose the installation folder.
  7. Review the installation details.
  8. View the installation progress.
  9. When done, click Finish.