Working with Projects
Seeker uses projects to organize information and workflows.
About Seeker projects
A regular project is associated with a single web application or an application subcomponent such as a microservice.
A composite project is a collection of regular projects, each of which is associated with a certain application subcomponent, and thus represents a whole application. For a microservices-based application, you can define one composite project that includes regular projects for each of the microservices.
View the Projects page
In the main menu, click (Projects).
The page displays a list of projects available for the current user, filtered by the selections in the filter bar at the top. Each entry displays the summary and metrics of a project, and can be expanded for detailed information and tasks.
In this page, you can do the following:
- Filter the project list by Projects, Versions, Code location, Score, Compliance status, Tags, Deployment, and Criticality.
- Refresh the list by clicking Refresh.
- Create a new project by clicking + Add project.
- Customize the project list appearance by opening the Customize
display dropdown list and choosing the following options:
- By default, regular projects within composite projects are not shown in the list. If you want to change this, toggle the Show/Don't show projects within composites option on.
- Choose a time period for which you want to view the data: Last 7/30/90/365 days.
- Choose how to sort the projects: by Activity, Vulnerable component count, Endpoint coverage, Name, Score, Vulnerability count, or Favorite. For each of these, you can choose the ascending or descending order.
- Export the vulnerabilities of the selected projects in a PDF report by clicking Export.
- Click the star icon next to a project name to add it to favorites for quick access.
- Drill down to the details of any project by clicking its name or by choosing View from the (cog) menu.
- View the compliance status details of any project by clicking the compliance indicator link.
Assess application security
Click a project in the list to open this project's page.
From the left-hand menu, open various dashboards to explore and assess the different aspects of your application's security.