View and Explore Code Risk

In the Code Risk dashboard, view the application risk reported by rapid static scans of the source code.

Prerequisites: The Rapid Scan Static powered by the Sigma engine feature is enabled for your project. For instructions, see Configure Rapid Scan Static.

Note: Currently, this feature is supported only for Node.js applications.

The dashboard

In the main menu, click (Projects), choose a project that you want to view, and click Code Risk.

The top banner displays the detection metrics for the code files: the total number of code files with detected vulnerabilities and other issues, the numbers of vulnerable code files and detected issues.

The Code Risk Summary bar diagram shows the distribution of detected vulnerabilities by severity.


Here is what you can see and do in this dashboard:

Action Instruction
Set version filter Select which project versions to include. Use text search to find versions other than the latest.
Set severity filter Select which severity levels to include.
Set code path filter Enter a path by which to filter the code files.
Refresh Click the Refresh to refresh the list of code files.
Reset Click the Reset to delete the current results. A new scan will occur on application restart.
Sort by a column Click any column heading to sort the list by that column.
View details Click any code file in the list to view and explore the detections in that file. All detected vulnerabilities or issues are accompanied by detailed explanations and remediation advices.