View Application Security for Regular Projects

The Application Security dashboard provides an overview of the vulnerabilities detected in a regular project, the application's compliance with the security standards, and the results of third-party component analysis.

The dashboard

In the main menu, click (Projects) and open a project that you want to view. The Application Security dashboard opens.


Here is what you can see and do in this dashboard.

Area What You See What You Can Do
Page title Project name Switch to another project by clicking the arrow next to the name and choosing the required project from the dropdown list.
Filters Dropdown lists of the project versions and code locations. Set the filters as required.
Export PDF Click to export vulnerabilities as a PDF report according to the current filters: Export Vulnerabilities
Banner The overall statistics for the current project: the compliance status, numbers of detected and verified vulnerabilities, endpoint coverage, and connected Agents. Click each number to open the corresponding detailed view. For more information, see:
Vulnerability Breakdown An overview of vulnerabilities grouped by their functional categories.
  • Expand and explore each category and subcategory.
  • Click the Learn more... link in a category description to see more information about that category.
  • Click the number in the Vulnerability count column of any category, subcategory, or individual vulnerability to view the Vulnerabilities page filtered accordingly.
Vulnerability Trend A graph that shows how the overall numbers of detected vulnerabilities change over a period of time. Choose a period of time from the Period dropdown box: 7/30/90/365 days.
Endpoint Risk Summary An overview of vulnerability metrics of inbound and outbound endpoints: the percentage of actually tested endpoints, numbers of found, vulnerable, and untested endpoints. Click an area, such as Vulnerable, in the Vulnerability of Inbound Endpoints or Vulnerability of Outbound Endpoints bar to open the Endpoint Risk dashboard in the corresponding view.
Component Risk Summary An overview of vulnerabilities detected by the Black Duck Binary Analysis (BDBA) in the 3rd party components included in the application. For detailed information, click the Component Vulnerability bar or go to the Component Risk dashboard.
Compliance Summary An overview of application's compliance with the major security standards, such as OWASP Top 10 2021, 2017, 2013; OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks 2023, 2019; PCI-DSS v3.2, CWE/SANS 2011, GDPR, CAPEC. For detailed information regarding any specific standard compliance, click this standard's bar or go to the Compliance dashboard.
Top 5 Checkers A bar diagram that shows the distribution of detected vulnerabilities by top 5 checkers.