Aggregate Duplicate Endpoints

You can optimize the display of Data Flow Map and Outbound Endpoints for your project by aggregating duplicate outbound endpoints into one node.

If the Data Flow Map can't be displayed because of too many endpoints, Seeker will automatically supply recommendations to aggregate duplicate outbound endpoints that match specific rules.

Follow a relevant recommendation by clicking the Go to action button and viewing or editing those rules in the Aggregate duplicate endpoints dialog box that opens.

Alternatively, you can open this dialog box from the Outbound Endpoints page by choosing Aggregate duplicate endpoints from the Bulk actions menu.

Note: If a recommendation to aggregate endpoints exists, the filters on the page and the fields in the dialog box are set to the values from that recommendation, otherwise the fields are empty.

Edit the fields as needed:

  1. Pattern: Enter a regex name pattern by which to aggregate duplicate endpoints.
  2. Type: Choose a type of endpoints to aggregate.
  3. Friendly name: Optionally, enter a friendly name to display instead of the name pattern in the Data Flow Map and Outbound Endpoints pages.
  4. Save your changes.

Reopen Data Flow Map or refresh outbound endpoints and see how they appear. If needed, fine-tune the aggregation rules.